Since When Did Target Clothes Become Overpriced?

Self control is leaving target empty handed

Expect More, Pay Less My Ass Target.
Since when did you start raping us on the price of clothes?

I am an avid “Tarzshay” shopper and can’t walk out the door without spending well over $100.

The simple obsession of shopping with the red plastic shopping cart makes me feel like I just stepped back in time and am playing house as a child. Filling my (wanna be) Little Tikes plastic shopping cart with everything I wanted and my mom yelling to put all her stuff back. The only difference now is that I actually have to pay the price for my compulsive shopping and my mother is not yelling in my ear.  (Maybe now I wouldn’t say it’s expensive in comparison to my mothers nagging.)

Target’s clothes may be fashionable, but price has got me questioning why I continuously add the overpriced items to my cart.

Since when does a flannel from target cost $22.50? I can get brand name’s on sale at the mall for same price.

But, Let’s be real…Target store designers are genius and have taken into consideration that a majority of their shoppers are women. They put apparel front and center when we walk in the door. Before I left the store, I had almost spent $70 on 3 shirts.. and a shopping grand total of $175.00 and I forgot the toothpaste that I went to the store to purchase in the first place.

The ultimate form of self control is leaving target empty handed.

If you learn self-control at Target, you can master anything..

Dam you Target!!

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